Elektronesch Industrie Marquening Léisungen
Laser marking machines plays an important role in electronic components, and are often used to mark logos, codes, parameters, patterns, two-dimensional codes and other signs. Et gi vill Zorte vun elektroneschen Komponenten. Et sou wéi eng Quim Virbesiden, d'Promotteren, Fouren, déi, Walteren, weisen: wat allgemeng ganz kritë sou gutt kititlech Chance an elektronesch Produkter aitéit spillen.
There is no need additional force to the object to be processed during the processing process, so it is especially suitable for use in small parts and electronic components with high requirements. a keng Kraaft féiert fir deforméiert ze sinn. The development of laser marking can promote the industry's innovation in marking and coding, and it can also promote the rapid development of the electronic industry. Egal ob et d'elektroneschstonvention Industrie oder de Laser Marken Masch Masch Masch Masch Maschinn ass, gëtt et besser Entwécklung an der Zukunft. Injektéieren nei impetus an d'Elektronikindustrie.